Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Addicted to Twilight!

Let me tell you guys something you guys probably don't know...I'm a Twilight FAN! I love Twilight! But let me tell you guys another thing...I'm not one of those crazy ones ( Twilight fans) that would get bruised just to see those actor or actresses...I'm just those that is very attracted to Edward Cullens attitude and behavior...other than that...well...I guess Jacob ain't that bad but I think he looks better in his wolf form XD!
To tell the truth...I'm kinda mad that we have to wait till' November 2011 to get part ONE of Breaking Dawn! Its annoying to wait...

Yesterday, one of the TV channels are showing Twilight and I watched it...with my mum... Initially, she was the want who wanted to watch the TV but since she knows how much I love Twilight, she watched with me...
And guess what...she ended up watching New Moon and Eclipse too...>.<
She ask me if I own the fourth Twilight novel which is breaking dawn...and I don't have it she went google-ling for free Breaking Dawn E-book...amazingly..she found it on a website and started reading...
And then...the E-book finish on the Second Chapter! How can she stop on the second Chapter?! So now I think my Christmas Present is most likely gonna be A breaking Dawn Novel....T.T
Its not like I don't want it...I actually really want it..but not as a Christmas Present!!! Well, its better than nothing...considering  a lot of other families cant even afford their next meal...

This is renesmee! ( well her real name is Mackenzie Foy...)


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